TreeView ..
For moving across your Source, added to the Right_Click feature, there is a 'Tree View' menu option. Choosing it, opens a Dialog, showing you a tree view list of your main labels. The tree list is built from two roots: 'MainWindowProc:' and 'Main:', each time you click on [Tree].
Actually, this feature poorly applies on such HLL sources as given in Beginners'tut 5, because the 'CALL' mnemonics are not visible in the source... May be later.
If your source is well written, with use of local labels inside routines and that routines are run by CALLs (and not by JMPs -in spagetti style-), tree view will give you a very good image of your source structure.
The Two flags, you can set in the configuration Tab, give you customized listings. First one adds what I call 'Orphan Labels' (the labels that are not properly called). When possible, the tree may add new branchings from an orphan root.
The other flag may be used for getting a full / simplified tree: Let us suppose that a routine is to be called many times in your source. The default tree will not list all the double calls (inside one same routine). You may check / uncheck for a 'First call only' listing. The tree-view building, when this flag is unchecked, includes tests for avoiding infinite loops along re-entrant imbricated source routines.
Of course, clicking on a tree item causes a jump to its declaration in the editor.
All Tree-View moves are recorded also in the rotary table with edition Right-Clicks.
In actual state, the only routines not pointed out by the Tree-View are just those called by the SetWindowLong Api and the ones reached by JMPs. Even the special CallBack Procedures of Dialog Boxes (either by direct calls or by 'api' macro evocations) are also listed in.
The Tree is re-built each time you Click upon [Tree] Menu item, without the Tree Dialog running , not when the Dialog is minimized. If you write a new Code Label, it will not appear in the Tree until you close the Dialog and once again Click again upon [Tree] (because it would be a bit too slow on older computers when running huge Sources).
An added Flag, in the [Configuration] tab, allows you to define if the Tree Dialog will (or not) auto-minimize on user edition.